Thursday, June 22, 2017

Benefits of Full Mouth Dental Implants

As a dental surgeon with Austin Dental Implant Center in Austin, Texas, Dan Holtzclaw, DDS, focuses on full mouth reconstruction through implants. Dan Holtzclaw, DDS, is a fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists and served as co-editor-in-chief of the Journal of Implant and Advanced Clinical Dentistry from 2008 through 2016.

For patients who have lost all of their teeth, full mouth implants can provide the chance to speak and eat normally again. A dental implant includes a prosthetic set of teeth that attaches to the jaw via a series of metal posts, and it is this security in the bone that allows the implant to function like natural teeth. The patient can bite and chew without worrying that his or her teeth will slide around in the mouth, as dentures have a tendency to do.

Attachment to the jawbone also enables the dental implant to preserve the health of the bone. Missing teeth can cause deterioration of the jaw, which can lead to a recessed appearance and a sunken look to the face. Dental implants stand out as the only tooth replacement solution that can restore the jaw's natural function of providing tooth support and thus not only prevent the loss of bone, but also support natural bone growth. with Austin Dental Implant Center in Austin, Texas, Dan Holtzclaw, DDS, focuses on full mouth reconstruction through implants. Dan Holtzclaw, DDS, is a fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists and served as co-editor-in-chief of the Journal of Implant and Advanced Clinical Dentistry from 2008 through 2016.

For patients who have lost all of their teeth, full mouth implants can provide the chance to speak and eat normally again. A dental implant includes a prosthetic set of teeth that attaches to the jaw via a series of metal posts, and it is this security in the bone that allows the implant to function like natural teeth. The patient can bite and chew without worrying that his or her teeth will slide around in the mouth, as dentures have a tendency to do.

Attachment to the jawbone also enables the dental implant to preserve the health of the bone. Missing teeth can cause deterioration of the jaw, which can lead to a recessed appearance and a sunken look to the face. Dental implants stand out as the only tooth replacement solution that can restore the jaw's natural function of providing tooth support and thus not only prevent the loss of bone, but also support natural bone growth.